JANE, the movie

Michael Buffo (founder of HARA Motion Picture Conservatory) is directing JANE along side top industry professionals who are masters of their craft. Bob Elfstrom and Steve Cohen have both signed on to the project because of their belief in the project and in Michael’s leadership.

“How the Blackmagic Cinema Camera is changing how films are made:”

Listen to internet radio with Movies Matter on Blog Talk Radio

Join host Claire Papin and screenwriter Deborah Allen as they interview director Mike Buffo, founder of HARA Motion Pictures and Conservatory in Monterey, CA. Mike is directing the independent film, JANE, slated to begin shooting in Monterey this summer. Hear Mike talk about his vision using the new Blackmagic Cinema Camera. What cameras are they using in feature films these days? How can one camera cause such a controversial rift? Explore with us what it’s like to launch a new film studio in central California spear-headed by a film that matters. (click play button above or click here )

Written by Deborah Allen (based on a story by Ms. Allen and playwright Elizabeth Roden), JANE follows one girls story from a singular life-changing moment through the healing journey demanded of anyone suffering a life-altering trauma. What she learns, and what we have to share, is that there is a spark in each of us that no one can destroy.

“Deborah Allen on Jane(The Movie) Risky Subjects in Indie Films:”

Listen to internet radio with Movies Matter on Blog Talk Radio

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, somewhere in America a woman is raped every two minutes. Today, nearly 40% of the women raped are between the ages of 14-17.

Most tell no one.

Screenwriter Deborah Allen was one of those girls.

JANE Short Synopsis:
Fiercely independent fifteen-year-old JANE STEWART wants to be a poet. Living with her romance-novel writing Aunt CLAIRE, feels like living inside a Hallmark card. Then ALEX MARTIN comes into her life. Sexy, gorgeous, funny and famous, Martin seems to understand her need to create-until he creates chaos by raping her. Like a deer in headlights, Jane collapses into silence within a shell of pain and guilt. Claire, and Jane’s best friend SAM, take on the burning need to fight back. Together, the three create an unexpected alliance. They are determined to bring him to justice, but as Alex’s wealthy lawyers prepare for battle and private detectives search her past for scandal, the legal system bends to the demands of privilege. The town becomes divided between those who believe her and those who don’t and Alex manages to play the wronged party perfectly. The script is realistic in its outcome (Alex wins the court battle) but heroic in the pay-off for Jane and Sam, in terms of character, courage, and a bold confrontation with Alex. Jane discovers that healing has everything to do with community and right action. In the end, its up to Jane and Sam to act outside the law in an effort to trap Alex and see that justice is served. While Jane loses in the courtroom, she is able to help the next girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and ultimately, it is Jane connection with her inner life and with the strength of her creative impulse to make meaning (by writing poetry), that brings her back to a possible future.

Go here to learn more about the 2013 production of JANE

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JANE to employ HARA Motion Pictures student interns

How would you like to be involved with the JANE production?

Email us with your interest: mike@haramotionpictures.com
